Juana la Larga

By Fringe San Miguel Festival de Artes Escénicas (other events)

Friday, February 27 2015 8:30 PM 9:30 PM CDT

Jesusa Rodríguez y  Liliana Felipe

Jesusa Rodríguez es una de las artistas más representativas de la escena mexicana y vocera de Fringe San Miguel. Juana La Larga es un espectáculo basado en un caso histórico de supuesto hermafroditismo, descrito detalladamente por el Dr. Narciso Esparragosa y Gallardo, un famoso cirujano guatemalteco. La Inquisición le requirió realizar tal labor en 1803, con la finalidad de resolver el caso de Juana Aguilar, una mujer acusada de violar a otra mujer.

El uso del humor en este espectáculo es el vehículo a través del cual el público se acerca a  temas de otro modo difíciles de confrontar, como la discriminación sexual, el tráfico de mujeres y niños o la ancestral violencia hacia la mujer.

Juana la Larga is a show based on an historic case of supposed hermaphroditism, described in detail by Dr. Narciso Esparragosa y Gallardo, a famous Guatemalan surgeon. He was required to do so by the Inquisition in 1803, in order to resolve the case of Juana Aguilar, a woman accused of raping another woman.

The use of humor in this show is the vehicle through which the audience can face subjects that are hard to confront, such as sexual discrimination, the trafficking of women and children, or ancestral violence against women.

JESUSA RODRÍGUEZ is Mexico’s most influential cabaret and political performance artist, and has been called the most important woman of Mexico. Often referred to as a chameleon, Rodríguez moves seemingly effortlessly and with vigor across the spectrum of cultural forms, styles, and tones. Her work challenges traditional classification, crossing generic boundar­ies: from elite to popular; from Greek tragedy to cabaret; from pre-Columbian indigenous to opera; from revue, sketch and “carpa”, to performance acts within political projects. She is also an activist for the LGBT community, for indigenous and ecologi­cal groups and for the leftist opposition.


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