Liliana Felipe en concierto

By Fringe San Miguel Festival de Artes Escénicas (other events)

Thursday, February 26 2015 8:30 PM 9:30 PM CDT

Liliana Felipe es una compositora, pianista, cantante, agricultora y activista política originaria de Argentina. Reside en México desde finales de los años setenta, momento en que tuvo que exiliarse de su país natal debido a la dictadura. Liliana se autodenomina como “atea, clerofóbica, cabaretera, vegetariana, de izquierda, defensora de los animales”. Su música incorpora diferentes géneros y letras inteligentes y atrevidas. Es una compositora independiente prolífica. Ha editado 15 CDs con sus canciones. 

LILIANA FELIPE is an Argentine actress, singer, pianist, composer, gardener and political activist. She has lived as a voluntary exile in Mexico since the military dictatorship that took over her country in 1976. Liliana calls herself an "atheist, clerophobic, cabaret-singing, vegetarian, animal-rights defender, leftist." Her music incorporates different genres and daring, intelligent lyrics. She is a prolific independent composer. She has released 15 CDs with her songs.


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